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Gangrel's Departure from The Brood


During the Attitude Era, Gangrel was an enigmatic member of the supernatural faction The Brood. He became known for his entrance theme, "The Brood Extended," and his ability to mist his opponents with a green substance.

Feud with the Ministry of Darkness

In 1999, a feud arose between The Brood and the Ministry of Darkness, led by The Undertaker. The Acolytes, a sub-group of the Ministry, defeated The Brood at Backlash: In Your House.

Aftermath and Departure

Following the feud, Gangrel began to question his role within The Brood. He felt that he was being held back and was eager to make a name for himself as a singles wrestler. In 2000, he officially left the faction.

Gangrel's departure from The Brood was a significant event during the Attitude Era. It marked the end of an iconic faction and paved the way for Gangrel's future success as a solo wrestler.
